Monday, September 27, 2010

Arne Gerhard Hanson

Well, it's high time Arne makes his grand appearance on the BLOG. So...without further ado, here's a few highlights from the first 9 days of Arne's life!

Arne was born on Sept. 18 at 9:56pm.
He weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces and was 20 1/4 inches long

Meeting Big Brother, Charlie!

Our first family photo!

Hanging out at home (I think Arne has peed on these curtains--in the background--at least 3 times)

And here we are meeting Little Elsie Grace Roark for the first time...
(She's 3 weeks older than Arne)

A quick visit to Hoffman to meet Aunt Taryn and Little Coraline...
(Coraline is 4 months older than Arne)


Charlie likes to take photos...

And here is hilarious Big Brother Charlie working on a contraption to deal with our boxelder bug problem...

and here he is with his head on a plate! (I guess we need to work on our "trick" photos a bit)