Friday, January 21, 2011

Recent Happenings...

As you know, it's been way too cold out to be venturing outside for any worthwhile amount of time. Additionally, we have been without T.V. for a week (it works, but we needed a break--and by "we," I mean, Charlie). So we've gotten a bit creative.
Take this first picture, for example. Yesterday I got out a couple of tools to un-clog the shower/tub. Arne was power napping, so Charlie and I got to work. And me getting my tools out meant that Charlie got his out too. Well, there are 4 big screws that hold his bed together, and as you see below here he is unscrewing them with his PLASTIC wrench. oh boy.

So, for years (like 10) I've toted around various "craft" items always thinking that the time would arrive when they might come in handy. Beads are a big item on that "craft" list, and now with two boys, I was beginning to wonder what I might ever do with all these beads...Turns out, popsicle sticks, a glue gun and beads (a.k.a. lights) make pretty sweet (and totally sturdy) airplanes....and totally cool for boys. And for those who know Charlie well, we also made some RAMPS (not pictured) so he could load cars on the planes. nice.

Arne Super-Duper Swaddled...producing a much deserved 4 hour nap.

Can you believe it?...Charlie is bigger!

FOUR months old! AWWW...

Krista, Charlie and a small horse...

Sunday morning photo

One day Charlie hauled about 100 books (literally) from his room to the downstairs. He got busy making these roads...and then drove his semi and cars all over them.

The only item of clothing without a stripe pattern is Arne's diaper. I love stripes...especially on kids.

Ah, sweet Arne....

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