Sunday, February 24, 2008

Visitors are the best...

Charlie's friend, Talan came over on Friday...

Charlie's cousin, Ben came over on Saturday...

A fun weekend was had by all!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

18 months old!

February 20, 2008
Today Charlie is 18 months old...

Now, let's take a quick little trip back to February 20, 2007...

Hard to believe he's the same kid!
~He now has a mouth full of teeth and no pacifier
~The thrill of sitting next to Daisy has been replaced with the thrill of crawling all over her and chasing her all around the house.
~And just sitting in the rocking chair for a cute little picture?...ah, gone are those it's much more exciting to stand on the rocking chair and make mischievous faces!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Nigh, Nigh Daisy


Charlie likes to get up in the morning at 6:00 these days. Since everyone else is still tired (me, Daisy, and Blue Bear) he helps everyone get snuggled in for a little more nigh-nigh (see first photo) soon as everyone is comfy, he wakes them up! (see ALL the other photos)

Monday, February 11, 2008

New Cousin!

Welcome, Little One!

Charlie finds Ray's eyes!

Ray William!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Papa's Hat and Mama's boots

Charlie helps with the dishes...

animal sounds