Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Martha, Mike, Charlie, and Deck Builder Grandpa Tyrone

The old steps are enclosed.

Charlie loves to "build" with all the scraps of wood.


Here is our back entryway BEFORE getting all decked out.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Step 1

Step 2

Break for an interview

Look at Charlie go!


This morning I asked Charlie, "What should we do today?" He said, Let's take the training wheels off my bike!"
So, this afternoon, we went to the park and practiced and practiced. First, we took one training wheel off (which has happened on accident before, so this wasn't too daunting)...then after several back and forths, we pulled out the wrench and took off the second wheel. He tried it first on the baseball field (with a little wipe out on the stop), but by tonight he is starting, stopping and cruising like a maniac. Now, he can't wait for Ben to get back from Alaska!!!