Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Live Nativity

Last week there was a live Nativity in Glenwood. I forgot my camera, but one of the wisemen was kind enough to email me a few pictures!


Anna, Elsie, Benjamin, Charlie, Arne, Karina, Oliver, Ray

The three youngest Spohr grandkids: Anna, Arne, Karina

(above) Arne's first time on his NEW quilt...clearly he loves it!
(below) Arne's first time being held in his NEW quilt with the quilt maker...clearly she loves him!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

More Christmas...

Arne got to be the Baby Jesus again at the nursing home Christmas pageant in Glenwood...

Charlie took the opportunity to be a sheep again. He only made it about half way through the program though because his wool sheep suit got a little too hot (cuz they set the heat right around 90 degrees). Jenny--notice the nice picture above the barn roof. I didn't crop it out for your benefit.)

On Tuesday, Santa was at the nursing home in off we went. We even got a picture of the whole family with Santa!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Program

Baby Jesus...

during the practice. I love this face...


All done. sheep squirms, baby sleeps!

Friday, December 10, 2010


I've been a bit video happy lately...
so enjoy, and don't feel bad if you aren't as enthralled with a 2+ minute video of Arne cooing and me and Charlie making baby noises in the background.
Me, on the other hand? I could watch them all day...but as it turns out I've got live mode 24/7 --so that's even better.
The Dancing Charlie video is from after the band concert last night in Herman. Both Grandma and Grandpa Hanson were directing. (Wish I had a video of Grandma Shirley dancing and singing with the kids!)

Dancing Charlie

Baking with Charlie

Baby Arne

Arne again

Baby Exercise

Monday, October 18, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Arne Gerhard Hanson

Well, it's high time Arne makes his grand appearance on the BLOG. So...without further ado, here's a few highlights from the first 9 days of Arne's life!

Arne was born on Sept. 18 at 9:56pm.
He weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces and was 20 1/4 inches long

Meeting Big Brother, Charlie!

Our first family photo!

Hanging out at home (I think Arne has peed on these curtains--in the background--at least 3 times)

And here we are meeting Little Elsie Grace Roark for the first time...
(She's 3 weeks older than Arne)

A quick visit to Hoffman to meet Aunt Taryn and Little Coraline...
(Coraline is 4 months older than Arne)


Charlie likes to take photos...

And here is hilarious Big Brother Charlie working on a contraption to deal with our boxelder bug problem...

and here he is with his head on a plate! (I guess we need to work on our "trick" photos a bit)